How to write literature review using AI. Free AI tool for literature search/review. Scispace.

literature review
literature review

How to write literature

Whether you are new to research or an experienced one finding relevant research papers for literature review summarizing its findings and understanding it takes a lot of your time this makes writing your research proposal research paper thesis or review too much cumbersome in time-taking I have received several comments from researchers and students facing this problem you are watching research and Publishing series of explore bio with Dr abishek and in today’s video tutorial I will explain how to use size space a
free to use AI tool for quickly finding research papers get the summary and conclusions of individual sections or entire paper for all the papers in one place you will learn ways to easily prepare their Library through online search or using pre-downloaded PDFs or from zoto how to get related papers and references and how to chat with research papers to get answers to your questions using siace co-pilot so let’s begin go to your web browser and search for size pce you can click on the link sip.

AI Literature Review Made Easy: Free Tool & Step-by-Step Guide

literature review

com or the second link types set. you can see the homepage itself says do hours of work in minutes next sign up or login to your account to use most of its features the first thing you can do with size space is performing literature search on any topic of your interest for example I want to find literature for genomewide identification of metabolite Transporters in weed you can see it is showing the list of all the papers and as you scroll down it will show more results you can filter the papers based
on several criteria like papers with PDF free to access papers papers in top journals based on the publication type keywords journal and year of publication you can also sort the papers based on the citation count.

Revolutionize Literature Reviews with AI The highly cited papers may be more useful in certain cases now the most interesting and useful thing about this AI tool you can get a list of literature in a tabular format and the columns next to the paper can be customized you can add columns for conclusions summarized abstracts results methods used limitations and

literature review

others you can choose any of these and you can see everything next to the paper itself below each paper you can see an option ask co-pilot you can ask any question related to the research paper for example in this paper I want to know how phd1 Gene was cloned and you can see the exact details about the question asked Geno white analysis was performed hels were cloned from back Library screening and how primers were designed this can be really very useful for you if you do not understand something or find it difficult to
locate you can also look for possible future work that can be performed based on this paper in this case it suggests manipulating phd1 Gene to see its effect on phosphate use efficiency and remobilization expression of gene in different isssues can be examined and featless studies can also be performed you can also open individual paper and use cilet to get an explanation or summary of paper or ask a specific question you can also find related papers and by clicking on the link you can directly jump onto that related
paper clicking on the DOI will take you to the original website of the paper and clicking on the references will get you.

literature review
Discover how to write a literature review using AI and Scispace’s free AI tool. Streamline literature search and review for academic success.

The list and the links of all the papers referred you can also save your query so whenever next time you click on it you will get all the papers without redoing or reasking the question if you have several papers of your interest in PDF format you can create a library by uploading them all at once and in a similar manner as we did previously you can select the columns to get summary of respective sections of
the paper this way you get all the information in one place without even opening and reading the entire paper but I would highly recommend you to manually check critical information and do not rely entirely on AI tools if you have a Zoro reference management software Library you can directly import all your papers from zoto to the size space co-pilot itself provides certain most common questions related to the paper that you can ask for example if I want to know the Practical implications of this work and it tells.

literature review

Unlock Efficient Literature Reviews: AI-Powered Research with Scispace

The characterization
of sucros Transporter provides insight into understanding of sucros transport and other useful information if you use a Chrome browser you can also use Chrome extension for size space just click on add to Chrome and you can also pin it another useful feature of size P Scope Pilot is that you can select a particular text and you can ask it to explain it to you you can see it is providing detailed explanation about the text you have selected you can also ask follow-up questions and you will be surprised to see it provides simple to understand

SciSpace: An all-in-one AI tool for literature reviews

answers to your query once you have added the Chrome extension you can use SI space feature at the journal homepage and other sites to summarize or G suitable explanation for example.

I find a paper with the title biological relevance of found in plants it is a review paper you can see size space option for it you can launch size space and ask one or more suitable questions if you do not understand a term or have a speciic question related to an article you can ask that too I hope this tutorial on SI space AI tool

literature review

will help you in your literature search understanding research papers summarizing the content while saving a lot of your crucial time just remember it is the sole responsibility of the author and not any AI tool related to the content research and Analysis part of the manuscript do check out my other related videos on research and Publishing AI tools markers plant tissue culture techniques genetics transcriptomics nutrition and health and lot more do comment below for your queries and suggestions I would love to
hear from you and stay connected for more such informative content.

Excellent AI Tool to Write a Literature Review Paper II AI Tools for Research II My Research Support

Haello everyone I’m NES and I welcome you all to this channel my resarch support and today in this video we’ll be discussing about an excellent AI tool that will help you a lot in writing your literature review article and also the literature review section of your research paper and thesis so let’s start so the AI tool that we will use today is size space and you have to open this link typeset doio so siace is actually a product of this types set.
i it has two products first is size space and second is types set. iio itself so this size space helps in writing literature review article while this typeset doio helps in formatting your research and review papers according to journal formats so the most important part that I like about this size space is this part you can see here in the bottom side you will have this option browse papers and this size space has a huge database it is around AI detector but today we’ll be discussing about these two points
literature review and co-pilot read with.

Scispace: Free AI Tool for Literature Review & Search

AI as I personally like this two features of this size space so let us first discuss about this literature review so you have to click on that and now what you will do is for example if you want to write in a literature review article or research paper on any specific topic so let us consider one broad example so if this is the topic so whenever you will search for that topic then you will get some recommendations menu research articles you will also find some recent literature as well and here you will
have some options that you can only bu forget the research articles those have means you can download the PDF or Open Access top tier papers you can sort out and few more filters are also there so for example if you want to download This research paper so you have to Simply click on.

This PDF so once you do that you will see that research article is now downloaded so in this way from this database you’ll be able to download the research articles as well and let us come to this part so whenever you will search for a specific
topic then a default you will get default summary for top five papers mean this first five papers then you can delete this first five papers so that you will get a summary for next five papers so you will get this references here as well so you may use this text maybe in your literature review paper or maybe in the literature review part of your research paper or thesis but obviously you have to check it for the plagarism as well or similarity okay so.

This is the first part and the second part you can see here so insights conclusions mean for
example if you want to read this research paper so what I’ll recommend you is first just download This research paper go through that research paper once so and then you can come back to this point points for example if you need some insights so you’ll get the insights here you can just copy this text maybe in your notes Here Also you’ll have this notebook so either you can copy here or you can just copy maybe in your word file so if you want key conclusions then here you’ll have this different
sections conclusions then you have.

literature review

This option results methods used limitations practical implications okay you have a few other columns like literature review contribution summarized introduction so everything that you will get to know within the single interface for every research article now one more important point you may have these options to add these columns manually for example if I want to include one graph in my review article which may be representing applications versus number of research articles.

I have this number of research articles but applications I don’t have it so simply what you will do is you can put here as applications and you can create column so once you do that so this applications column will be added and you will see this it is showing that mg based bulk metall glasses have potential applications in biomedical sector okay you can see this but there won’t be any application here for this research paper so it depends if this research article has mentioned about anything about application then only this ai2 will F
that information otherwise you won’t get any information so in this way I can count this number of Articles okay maybe 20 30 40 and different applications and in that way I may prepare a graph maybe on x-axis applications and y axis number of research articles so in this way to prepare multiple graphs you will consider this information practical implications maybe limitations method use Etc and obviously you have to little brainstorm yourself so that you will critically analyze these points and based on that to improve your
presentations you can have different concepts and you can convert those Concepts into different graphs and on the other side you can also include this information as it is maybe in your research papers maybe in your literature review articles but obviously as we have discussed you have to confirm it similarity when you will do that but the most important thing is when you compare this with chart GPT we get information from chart GPT with no proper citations even though we get some citation but still most of the times.

citations will be inaccurate so this is really an excellent information this is the perfect accurate information which has faced from this research paper so obviously you can put this research paper as a citation means you know that from where you have taken this information so that is the main important thing so along with this you may get different options and features like you if you want to site This research paper you have that option this option you can click on this so that you can directly copy this text and you can
put this text in your research papers so you can go through all this options one by one so that you can better understand this interface now I’ll be discussing one more feature which is coiler read with AI so if you have already downloaded research articles or if you want to read a specific research paper then in that case yes you can upload that research paper here for example this is the research paper that I have uploaded so there is a possibility that you may not find specific research articles on this database obviously it
is not even possible so in that case if you have those research articles you can upload these research articles here and you can read these research articles okay so here again you have this multiple options like if you want the information about future scope then you have to write it and you can ask it to.

This co-pilot so this will Analyze This research article and we’ll F some information about the future scope again if you want to identify the Gap maybe for example if you are selecting you want to select a specific
topic so that you’ll be reading different research papers so you may ask about the research gaps of this paper or maybe limitations so you’ll see here research gaps in HP quoting on magnesium based materials so these are the research gaps then next maybe if you want to read a specific section of This research paper if the introduction section is a considerably lengthy so you may ask as summarized introduction so that you will get a summary of this introduction so that you can go through that summary so.

This is a
summary of the introduction section so in this way this co-pilot feature make it easy to read the research papers so obviously I’ll recommend you to First go through that research paper and then come back to this co-pilot feature then it will be more easy and this will speed up the literature review process so whichever papers you will add you’ll find these papers here in this Library so this is the option for example I have added one research paper so you’ll find here I have my first notebook so this isa kind of overview of this literature review and co-pilot ready with AI there are multiple options features are available inside these two options so until and unless you will use it you won’t get expertise in this but believe me this interface is really very simple and before you start using it you have to first sign up because I have already set up my account. and hence I’ll be direct directly using it so the sign up process is again very simple you have to follow that so that you’ll be able to
create your account and then you can use it and I am sorry but the most important thing is this is not a free AI tool mean with free account you have some limited access and thereafter you need to upgrade to the premium version but I have some discount coupons those I have provided in this blog description with these coupons you may get some additional discount.

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